четверг, 6 сентября 2012 г.

Entering the harem...

Harem or otherwise, the "house of happiness", was not a real happiness for newly arrived young girls. During the time of the Turkish conquest, nothing unaware young girls were stolen by the Turks and sold on the slave markets in the harems. In the harem of the delivered the girls from all the countries where foot of the Turk. It was, as the girls out of the ordinary families as well as of the Princess. Getting in a strange and hostile environment of the Turkish harem girls suffered greatly from separation from their families and the past life. Here began a completely new life. Changed all the way up to the name.
                                           (Photo from the source: kuda.su)
The girls were taught the language, manners, gestures, movements and the art of love. The natural beauty of each beautiful concubines lead up to the full perfection. Taught at the art of refined and graceful movements, such that would have touched the heart of a sovereign.
(Photo from the source:http://sakhasmile.ru/main/4900-tayny-garemov-za-semyu-pechatyami.html)
Clothing in the harem was relaxed and refined, underlies all the charms of a woman's beauty, which cannot be said about the clothes outside of the harem. The wife of the Sultan of every day changed their magnificent attire, so always please her of the Sultan. The jewelry and left a considerable part of the state Treasury. The main cosmetic means was antimony and henna. In the harem, perhaps, was to create the unique style, beauty secrets of the Turkish concubines are still welcome secret for all the ladies.

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