среда, 19 сентября 2012 г.

The secret potions Turkish traditional healers

No one will be the news that life in the harem full of intrigues and other unpleasant surprises. For example, one of the concubines achieved location of the Sultan, bore him a son, and became his wife. Like an obvious success. But as the years go by in a harem more beautiful girls, but the heart of the Sultan begins to cool. What to do? How to keep his attention?
The inhabitants of the harem resorted to various tricks. And some of these tricks were all kinds of aphrodisiacs and drugs, which they ordered the local witch doctor. Experienced healers living in the harem, knew that Stoke the flames of love are capable of the following plants: almonds, ginseng, apricots, grapes, figs, ginger, pistachio, pomegranate, fennel, cloves, saffron, cinnamon, celery, asparagus, carrot, onion, black pepper, mushrooms and honey. It was believed that the particularly strong properties has celery. He even placed under the pillow.
For fading senses ginseng has been used and aromatic аmbra.
Recipe salad «Uslada of the harem» also enjoyed great popularity and represented the balls, which included: - nuts, prunes, dried apricots and be sure to honey. In the harem, also often served "Love halva" of raisins, nuts and dates.
Also in the Turkish harems enjoyed great popularity special polishing, which acted as aphrodisiacs. In the body RUB a mixture of sandalwood oil, cinnamon and ginger.
And this is only part of a recipe from a great знахарской the banks of the Turkish harems. Of course, in combination with the beauty, these recipes have even more power. Not without reason one of the writers argued that the happiest in the world is man Sultan, because around him so many beautiful and pure flowers.

To inflame the passions of the prepared special love potion, which included even minerals, diamonds, pearls, emeralds, and also added mumie.
                                        (Photo from the source: http://dasturxon.uz)
There were some recipes, which should apply for several days prior to the wedding, the groom had to eat fried onion and egg yolks.

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